Authors’ Commentary on “The Adjudication of Hetty Green”

Lawyers in Hell Authors’ Commentary on
»The Adjudication of Hetty Green,«
 a story in Lawyers in Hell

Just how does one write about Hell?   Over the ages, Hell has been so many  different things to so many.  Is Hell actually a place or is it a frame of  mind?  Depending on point of view and attitude, ten people can all have the  same experience and come away with ten very different memories.  Since Hell  seems to me to be a personal experience, I decided to work with a single  soul's predicament.  The gangster era of Chicago looked like a wonderful  place to start.  The major personalities of the time were all larger than  life.  They lived hard and most died spectacular deaths.

Lawyers in Hell Now, what to do with my protagonist?  Since Fast Eddie had spent his life  getting his clients off, I thought it would be truly hellish, if instead, he  would have to choose what their ultimate destination would be.  All of his  past clients had been guilty well beyond a reasonable doubt, yet he always  found a way to beat the system.  Now, there would be no sliding by on a  technicality. 

At the end of the case, there would be a very final verdict  of damnation.  This time, his difficult client had already been declared  guilty and Fast Eddie would have to figure out what the true crime really  was and match it to the proper punishment.  As in all legal proceedings,  there are numerous interested parties that must be considered, consulted,  and dealt with.  Anyone who has ever wrangled through a legal proceeding  understands what a truly hellish event this can be.

Alan GilbreathJust to add a little extra damnation to the mix, technology is always a  blessing and a curse.  Hell in the course of its daily business would  certainly use the latest devices as conceived by the twisted mind of the  modern age.  Take a man in full command of his time when the tommy gun is  the major technological advancement and toss him in the hellish environment  of today's computer technology.

All that is left to do is turn Hell loose and let its business fall where it  may, keeping in mind, no matter how good a job Fast Eddie could do or how  well his day went, it was all going to be one damned thing after another.

The Adjudication of Hetty Green, © Alan Gilbreath; Perseid Publishing,
2011© Lawyers in Hell (Janet Morris), 2011, all rights reserved

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