FilKONtario 22

Wayne BoreanFilKONtario 22

In September the FilKONtario Convention Committee held the first meeting towards organizing FilKONtario 22. FilKONtario is one of the largest Filk Cons in North America, and the largest in Canada (your correspondent is one of the founding concom, and is married to the original con chair, who is on this years con committee).
Filk is the musical part of Science Fiction and Fantasy fandom. Instruments are usually portable (and small enough to fit in the overhead storage on an airplane).

Song material ranges from spaceships to dragons, to cats, to computers, to cats. The cats keep sneaking in for some reason.

FKO22 will be held April 20-22, 2012 in Mississauga Ontario. The hotel is about 30 minutes by shuttle from Pearson International Airport, the airport which serves the Metropolitan Toronto Area.
In the past there has often been attendees from Germany, but a certain minimum proficiency in English is necessary, as almost all of the music and programming will be in English (though some may be translated to American Sign Language or Klingon).


Wayne Borean

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