... Ted on the SysAdminAppreciationDay

Most businesses, once they reach a certain size, have an employee who is responsible for the technology of the company. That person soon becomes the "SysAdmin". Responsible for computers, networking, web sites, email servers, security, printers, telephones, cell phones, fax machines, copiers, etc. As the company grows larger, then there will be a team of "SysAdmins".
Well, I guess it depends on the environment. I believe in teaching. I try my best to help users. Sometimes people are under pressure, and when their technology fails, they take it out of the SysAdmin. We know that this is unfair. But, I still try to do my best.
The "SysAdmin" is a unique part of the company. We are the second most important person, second after the receptionist. Why not have a Cake and Ice cream party?
10 year ago, I had just purchased and installed several new HP laserJet 4000 series printers. Shortly after, I saw a clever magazine ad for HP LJ 4000 printers. In the ad, the "SysAdmin" geek-type guy was getting presented with baskets of fruit, flowers, and other gifts. In the view of the people is a new HP LaserJet 4000 printer. In the ad copy, were words stating that your co-workers will love you if you get new HP printers for your office. I was sitting with my co-workers in the lunch room, and I showed them the magazine ad. I asked "where is my basket of fruit?". That day I thought of the idea of "System Administrator Appreciation Day". I registered the domain-name for "SysAdminDay.com", and create the first version of the website. I sent email message to my friends, and sent them the URL for the new website.
We are normal humans, just like you. We have hopes and dreams, just like you. I don't know about "Typical", but the best SysAdmins are lovers of technology. And that makes us also a "nerd" or a "geek". We love to explore and learn about anything new.
Yes, we are very, very serious about SysAdminDay, (but It's all about the Cake and Ice cream party).
I am not "THE sysadmin of sysadmins". We all have our specialities and skills. Everyday, I work with many great SysAdmins and System Engineers-- that know more than I do. I am the founder of SysAdminDay. There are many volunteers which have helped to promote the holiday.
Somehow, I suspect it will be "The Matrix".
At a early age, I discovered Science-Fiction. Space travel, time travel, etc. When I was a teen, I watched (and memorized) every episode of Star Trek (the original series). I did not have a VCR, so I recorded the audio on Cassette tape. In high school, I was already into electronics and computers. I had "TREK80" game on my SOL20 Computer. ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sol-20 and http://www.sol20.org/programs.html ) After school, I hung-out at a Computer Store. A group of my high school friends saw Star Wars (New Hope) together. I guess my media is movies and television. Today, I am re-watching "LOST" series from the first episode. I am just finishing the 2nd season.
Here are some pictures of me --> http://www.flickr.com/photos/sysadminday/763148477/
and here --> http://www.flickr.com/photos/lopsa_flickr/763443327/in/set-72157600735065516/
There are many good pictures here --> http://www.flickr.com/photos/sysadminday/
Here some typical pictures from a party --> http://www.flickr.com/photos/vicky-jo/sets/72157607892367011/
I like cake --> http://www.flickr.com/photos/starrydude/917288631/
I like candy --> http://www.flickr.com/photos/pickard/920569405/