... Ari Berk on Order of the Golden Quills and the Library of The Secret Histories
... Ari Berk on Order of the Golden Quills and the Library of The Secret Histories
Dear Ari, I began this interview as a humorous questioning of the Professor of the Order, then had a look at the pdf-File you sent with your last mail and went all pale. I wasnt quite aware of the beauty and depth of all the things you do and now I wonder how I can get a hold of the at least part of it.
So I thought I would really like to split the interview into two and ask one part of the questions to the member of the Order, and a second one on your work in general.
The work that I now do, my research into the realms of the Secret Folk, was once something done by everyone. All of our ancestors knew at least a little something of the Secret Folk, and respected them and the places in the world where they reside. Sadly, people have grown to forget the Secret Folk, leaving aside the ancient compacts and alliances with them. In doing this, a great deal of wonder has gone out of the world.
Thus, the Order strives, through its tireless work and publications, to reconnect humans with the extraordinary and, now, largely secret world that still dwells around them, waiting to be remembered.
Well, this is a very curious metaphor youve chosen, I must say! I might prefer to say secret cabinets, because this is how the Order stores its vast collections of evidences of the Secret Folk: in cabinets and halls located within our castle. For many centuries, The Order has worked diligently to collect and understand the many evidences and artifacts related to the Secret Folk, Giants, Merfolk, Hobgoblins, Faeries, and the like. But more recently, we have felt it imperative to share this knowledge with the human world, to remind them of what they have forgotten, to remind them of their obligations to the lands around them and the Secret Folk who have long inhabited and maintained those landscapes.

No, no. Not at all. You have noticed that on the roster of names of Magisters of the Order are names of the some of the Secret Folk themselves. Also, Secret Folk sit on every one of the Orders many Councils, Moots, and Ministeries. In this way, we, the human members of the Order, are always insured that everything the Order does is in complete accord with the wishes of the various Secret Folk. Of course, there is always the chance that individual people of any race may take umbrage at something or other being published, but generally speaking, everything the Order of the Golden Quills publishes is done with the blessing of the Secret Folk and their lore wardens.
That is correct. At the moment, due to a lack of public funding initiatives for the humanities, the Order is not able to open the Castle to the general public. In addition, as the Order houses objects of great power and extraordinary value, we feel, for the moment, that the location is best kept secret. However, I can assure you, the publications of the Order do show and interpret some of the rarest and most extraordinary of holdings in our numerous cabinets, vaults, halls, and kitchen cupboards.

The secret is this: I did not try to resist them. The song of the sea calls to all of us, all of the time. If we but heed those sweet strains .ah! What wonders await! Also, I am a very strong swimmer something that was quite helpful during the many interviews conducted during the writing of that particular book.
Meet Ari Berk on web at: www.ariberk.com (Link opens in new window and leaves zauberspiegel-online)