Adam-Troy Castro reacts on texts on MZB and child abuse

1Adam-Troy Castro reacts on texts on ...
... MZB and child abuse

1A short while ago the daughter of MarionZimmer Bradley appeared before public and revealed having been abused as a child by her mother. This caused a variety on reactions throughout the internet. The US-author Adam-Troy Castro reacted on two posts on facebook. We found these reactions so remarkable, that we adressed and asked him for permission to publish them on Zauberspiegel. - We did get this permission.

My 2 Cents on: Holes

my 2 cts on... on holes

zur deutschen ÜbersetzungThe first rule of holes. When you're in one, stop digging.

“I’ve had no criticism. I’ve had savage, lying, deceptive personal attacks, but no actual criticism because they’ve never addressed any of my actual ideas,” Card told the Utah publication. “Character assassination seems to be the only political method that is in use today, and I don’t play that game, and you can’t defend against it. All you can do is try to offer ideas, and for those who want to listen to ideas, great. For those who simply want to punish you for not falling in line with their dogmas, there’s really not much you can do about it.”

And again: The Crimea - Pen & Swords Conflict in the Crimea

Confliczt in the CrimeaAnd again: The Crimea
Pen & Swords Conflict in the Crimea

Whenever one is interested in military history there is no way to get around Pen & Sword Books - and thus it happend to me several times that I found myself reading books from this publisher.

Not only did I find material on my special interests such as, the catalogue of P&S showed me so many interesting books that I think I will use in further studies and some titels are so interesting that I will ready them anyway.

[REC]3 »Genesis« - A review

Zee Zaks Zombies[REC]3 »Genesis«
A review

zur deutschen ÜbersetzungFirst: »Don't say anything to your Aunt, but a dog at the clinic … It looked like it was dead and it woke up and Bam!«

Second: »There … Jumanji!«

Third: »Well, the mother is a bit of a MILF, isn't she?«

Fourth: «Sponge John; You mean Sponge Bob? No, well, you see, there was a copyright problem …«

My 2 Cents on: Orson Scott Card and LGBT

my 2 cts onMy 2 Cents on:
Orson Scott Card and LGBT

"Ender’s Game is set more than a century in the future and has nothing to do with political issues that did not exist when the book was written in 1984. With the recent Supreme Court ruling, the gay marriage issue becomes moot. The Full Faith and Credit clause of the Constitution will, sooner or later, give legal force in every state to any marriage contract recognized by any other state. Now it will be interesting to see whether the victorious proponents of gay marriage will show tolerance toward those who disagreed with them when the issue was still in dispute." -- Orson Scott Card.

My 2 Cents on: Robert A. Heinlein

my 2 cts onMy 2 Cents on:
Robert A. Heinlein

I used to admire Robert A. Heinlein as the best writer in all of science fiction. I still admire him enormously, but after rereading several of his books this year, I became painfully aware of how he stacked the deck and depended on coincidence. Friday is a good example. It's a good read, but it's a flawed book that reveals some of Heinlein's worst habits.

But I also knew Robert as a human being, a colleague, a mentor, a friend, and a man who loved to laugh.