Marching Song of Connacht
Marching Song of Connacht
The men of the East are decked in steel,
They march with a trumpet's din,
They glitter with silks and golden scales,
And high kings boast their kin-
We of the West wear the hides of wolves,
But our hearts are steel within.
They of the East ride gallent steeds,
Their spears are long and brown;
Their sheilds are set with sparkling stones
And each knight wears a crown-
We fight on foot as out forebears fought,
And we drag the rider down.
We race the steed of the Saxon knight
Across the naked fen-
They of the East are full of pride,
Cubs of the Lion's den.
They boast they breed a race of kings-
But we of the West breed Men.
Robert E. Howard