The Day that I Die

The Day that I Die


The day that I die shall the sky be clear

And the east sea-wind blow free,

Sweeping along with its rover's song

To bear my soul to sea.


They will carry me out of the bamboo hut

To the driftwood piled on the lea,

And ye that name me in after years,

This shall ye say of me:


That I followed the road of the restless gull

As free as a vagrant breeze,

That I bared my breast to the winds' unrest

And the wrath of the driving seas.


That I loved the song of the thrumming spars

And the lift of the plunging prow,

But I could not bide in the seaport towns

And I could not follow the plow.


For ever the wind came out of the east

To beckon me on and on,

The sunset's lure was my paramour

And I loved each rose-pale dawn.


That I lived to a straight and simple creed

The whole of my wordly span

White or black or yellow I dealt

Foursquare with my fellow man.


That I drained life's cup to its blood-red lees

And it thrilled my every vein,

I did not frown when I laid it down

To lift it never again.


That ever my spirit turned my steps

To the naked morning lands

And I came to rest on an unknown isle --

Jade cliffs and silver sands.


And I breathed my last with a simple tribe,

A people savage and free,

And they gave my body unto the fire

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