Berk, Ari - How to be a Viking
Ein Beitrag von Horst Hermann von Allwörden

Great! Only Hagar is more fun! But this one here is more instructive.
12.99£ sounds like an expensive book for 32 pages, but this book is worth every penny you spend for this. Seldom so many information about Vikings have been packed on so few pages in such an entertaining and exciting way. Ari Berk, the author, and his illustrator have created a little book of treasures, which will bring the interested reader closer to the Vikings .
From the choice of name, the gods, shipping, everyday life, war, funeral, runes, the book deals with the Vikings. The author of this book manages to expertly informe the reader of every facet of their fascinating culture.

For the reader there is a lot to discover. You can open envelopes, wheels turn, pop-up-ships are glued inside the book and you can even open graves. All this makes this book huge fun and invites to explore the foundations of the Vikings. Even runes for a throw of fate are attached.
Wonderful illustrations round up the entire. Each of these 32 pages is a small masterpiece in itself. There is much to discover. When I remember the rather dry "was ist was"-books of my youth - they are not by far as entertaining and instructive as Ari Berks fine book.
A definite BUY! Also great fun for adults ...
By now it`s also available in German at ars edition, publishing but we prefered reading the English version.
Meet Ari Berk on web at: (Link opens in new window and leaves zauberspiegel-online)
How To Be A Viking
by Ari Berk
Illustrations: Milivoi Ceran, Neil Chapman, Alastair Graham, Nick Spender
32 Pages / £ 12, 99
ISBN 978-1-84011-953-4
templar Publishing
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