Ein Beitrag von Jochen Adam
Thriller sind nicht immer leicht zu finden, besonders dann, wenn man
nach einem sucht, in dem es mal nicht um Terroristen und Serienmörder
geht. Umso erfreuter war ich, als ich »Bait«, den Debütroman
des britischen Autors Nick Brownlee, entdeckte. Der
Auftaktband zu einer neuen, in Afrika spielenden Krimireihe ist ein
hochspannender Thriller allererster Güte, den man nicht verpassen
sollte. Grund genug für den Zauberspiegel, den Autor zu seinem Werk zu
Wort kommen zu lassen.
Ein Beitrag von Bettina von Allwörden (Meister)
Steven Hunt and David Richardson
160 Pages, 26 x 21 x 18 cm, 20.15 / $39.95
October 2008
ISBN: 978-0733322259
One look at the cover and you get a glimpse of what the general idea of the book is about: Steampunk. Yeah!
The simple coverdesign (Steven Hunt) made me so exited and eager to get this book, that I was more than happy when ABC books offered us a copy.
The cover, and many illustrations inside the book, are simple eye-candy.
Ein Beitrag von Bettina von Allwörden (Meister)
Classical Literature, presented in a modern and visual way, yet staying with printed media and offering the classical text - this sure is a challenge.
"Classical Comics", a publisher in the UK, took this venture and began to issue Shakespeare, Bronte, Shelley - in comics.
We thought this a very interesting subject and got in touch with Karen Wenborn, Managing Director of Classical Comics.
Ein Beitrag von Jochen Adam
There are quite a few books available on the German bookmarket concerning "Urban Fantasy". And among them are some books that are really worth reading.
One of those books is "Unshapely Things", an urban fantasy-book written by the author Mark Del Franco. This book is now available in Germany.
Since the book really appealed to me, I contacted the author with a few questions on his books and urban fantasy. Mark took the time to answer the questions in details and gave very interesting answers.
Mark Del Franco writes about himself on his homepage:
Mark Del Franco spent several years in the publishing field in editorial and administrative roles and in the institutional finance field as a proposal writer. He currently is pursuing a freelance career in both these fields.
Mark Del Franco lives with his partner, Jack, in Boston, Massachusetts, where the orchids tremble in fear since he killed Jack's palm plants.
Ein Beitrag von Horst von Allwörden (Richard Rumpel)
Krátké poznámky o éfech hrdiny
Hrdinové v seitových románech jsou veznalci, co se vrhají do sebevětího nebezpečí. Jejich denním chlebem jsou bezvýchodné situace a smrtelná nebezpečí. Poradí si s kadým a se vím, jedno o koho nebo co se jedná. Tito převáně blonďatí supermani se vrhají do jícnů pekel, vstříc hordám příer a do cizích dimenzí. A přesto mají s námi smrtelníky něco společného. Skoro vichni mají éfa.
A to nejenom v hororu. Stačí si vzpomenout na Mr. High, nadřízeného Jerryho Cottona. Ale o toho zde vůbec nejde.