What Sime Gen Means to Me

Sime~GenWhat Sime Gen Means to Me

zur deutschen Übersetzung I read the first published Sime~Gen book in 1974, a few months after its release. The bookstore owner knew my love of Vampire and alien stories and ordered a copy into Australia just with me in mind. I took one look at the cover. A young woman on her knee with a skimpy outfit and leather belt around her hips was being held by a strong looking man who was standing behind her. There was something very different about this man.

FilKONtario 22 - April 20 - 22, 2012

Wayne BoreanThis is a last minute reminder - FilKONtario 22 will be held April 20 - 22, 2012. There are still rooms available in the convention room block as of today, but not many. For more information on the convention, please visit the website.

Filk is the music of Science Fiction and Fantasy, but also includes songs about cats, computers, and um, other things. One definition of Filk is that it is what Filkers do. Instruments are usually portable. It is hard to lug a grand piano onto an airplane...

Come on out, and have some fun. Regards Wayne Borean

... Rachel Bloom on Rachel Bloom, »Fuck me Ray Bradbury« and Science Fiction

Rachel Bloom ... Rachel Bloom ...
... on Rachel Bloom, »Fuck me Ray Bradbury« and Science Fiction

zur deutschen Übersetzung Wayne Joseph Borean from Richmond Hill (Ontario) introduced us to a really exceptional talent: Rachel Bloom.

The young woman from California is a gifted all-rounder and had been nominated for the Hugo in 2011 with her music video »Fuck me Ray Bradbury«. For us this was the reason to talk to her in an interview and find out more about this all-rounder from the United States. 

In Memoriam William Hinzman (October 24, 1936 to February 5, 2012)

Zee Zaks ZombiesIn Memoriam
William Hinzman
(October 24, 1936 to February 5, 2012)

I have this very, very clear image / memory from a convention a couple of years ago:  I was on a panel with a group of people, and we were discussing our particular penchant (that being zombies, of course), and this random face peeks into the room full of people with a quirky tone, “is this room full of brains?”  There was much merriment at this, with which he disappeared back out to the hallway.  It was completely random and out the blue - a perfect moment at a con.

From Rogue States to Rogue Sites? - ›SOPA‹ and ›PIPA‹

The EditorialFrom Rogue States to Rogue Sites?
›SOPA‹ and ›PIPA‹

„Rogue sites“ - for me that's a contender for „Worst Word of the Year“ - even if this year is just 18 days old.

In its SOPA and PIPA proposals „rogue“ is what US legislature choose to call those websites that are bent, with malicious intent, on doing harm to the United States of America - its people and its economy and industry.

Zombie Apocalypse (2012)

Zee Zaks ZombiesZombie Apocalypse

First: "Better than a zom catching you with your pants down." / "I'm a little shy."
Second: "Found it!" / "What?" / "Civilization?" / "What is it?" / "Family diner!"
Third: "They Killed my horse; I was pissed off!"
Fourth: "Are you trying to charm me with poetry during the zombie apocalypse?" / "Is it working?"
Fifth: "Meow, b@#$h!"
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