Blake, Spencer - Spyology: The Complete Book of Spycraft

Blake, Spencer - Spyology: The Complete Book of SpycraftSPYOLOGY: The Complete Book of Spycraft
written by Spencer Blake
edited by Dugald A. Steer
illustrated by Ian Andrew, Anne Yvonne Gilbert, Tomislav Tomic and Helen Ward
ISBN: 9780763640484
Ages 8-up
32 pages / $ 22,99 (Listenpreis)

Candlewick Press

zur deutschen Version I love the "-ology" books of Candlewick Press. They bring up big boy in me.

It is so wonderful to play with these books - and learn while playing. In this "-ology" book everything is about espionage. The world of secrets and agents.


In addition to short and informative text, the reader will find instructions to encrypt and decipher secret writings. Each page contains gimmicks. The cover has an inserted red lens. Subjects are rich and cover spies, the founder of the predecessor of the British Secret Service, it's about Francis Walsingham, serving Elizabeth I. just like Drake did, how he sacrificed his personal assets, because Her Majesty was stingy.

Well, the texts do not provide the ultimate, really deep information, but it doesn't matter. You get first insights into history and spy methods, and they are being tought with a lot of fun. That's simply fun and - ater all - you shouldn't expect really deep and profoiund studies in a book aiming  at children 8 years+.

However, the equipment and the presentation of this book is simply impressive. Many facts are so easily taught. Yet it is never "dry" nor "dusty" or "boring". Actually I have hardly ever found 32 pages of equally interesting children (facts). Opulent (and beautifully) illustrated.

The-ology books. This is sheer pleasure of learning, fun reading, fun in discovery. More book like this ...

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